Today, Benjamin Scott gleaned this insight:
> On Wed, 17 May 2000, Paul Lussier wrote:
> > I must agree with Jeff. MS and RH are both guilty of this in a big way.
> > Look at some of the ridiculous dependancies RH puts into some the RPMs
> > they ship! They don't *need* those dependancies, since I've built several
> > of those packages from source and never had them! So why create them that
> > way?
> Well, I don't know exactly what you're referring to, but there is often a
> method to Red Hat's madness.
For example, in order to install Netscape, you MUST install redhat's
default homepage crap. It has its own RPM (indexhtml-6.1-1*.rpm). I know
what it is, and I don't want it!!! Only way around it is don't install it
at install time, and add it later with the --nodeps (or remove it after
the fact). But that's more trouble than it's worth. Same goes for lynx,
which in turn, some other RPM rather bizarrely needs, despite the fact
that for normal operation (I wish I could remember what it was) lynx is
not required at all. I don't *NEED* these packages, but redhat requires
them anyway.
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Derek D. Martin | Unix/Linux Geek
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