On Tue, 23 May 2000, Adam Wendt wrote:

> Hiya,
> I've been asked to take over the maintanence and design of
> www.fredbgov.com and as this will be the first time I've done this kind of
> work for money I'm not exactly sure on how much to ask for. I know this is
> a little offtopic but I thought i'd ask here before going looking god
> knows where or just pulling something out of my head.

You don't pull rates out of your head, you pull them out of your ...

Well, sort of. How much is your time worth? How much time will you be
spending each month on the site? Perhaps an hourly rate is not the best
way to go.

Most shops I've seen in your position don't charge an hourly rate for
ongoing "maintainance" work. Instead they figure out how many hours on
average they'll probably work, and charge accordingly. If they work more
than an agreed upon number of hours THEN they kick in an hourly rate for
the extra time. Works out great because you're guarenteed a certain amount
each month and the client is assured you'll be available for a certain
amount of hours each month.

As to the actual rates, the last place I worked with charged around $80/hr
for content work (mundane HTML editing), $120/hr for development (Perl/PHP
type stuff), $120/hr for design (a bargin), and $140 for heavey
development and site structuring.

Niall Kavanagh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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