
In response to your email below, I am sure that there are a few others that
feel the way you do.

Unfortunately with time comes change. I am part of that change. Hopefully
taken in the long term...change for the better.

My goals, since becoming Chairman of the GNHLUG is to provide that
interesting data you allude to, first hand via meetings with more quality
speakers and topics than the group had the opportunity to experience in the
past. To move the group forward by announcing or introducing that new or
interesting data via the email list is my most expedient method.

As with any type of change, and we gather new ideas, new methods, new
members, sometimes we push aside or lose old ideas, old methods, old
members. Not by choice mind you and not out of selfish motive, but just
because we all have different agendas or are at different places in life or

I apologize for interfering with the "old way or low volume", but see no
way but to continue trying to move the group forward on the new and
exciting path ahead.

However, if I can make your email and others email load, with announcements
or news that doesn't appeal to you, lighter, by listening to your
suggestions on  how maybe I can have standard Subject headings that would
allow you to filter me out, I would be happy to try to accomodate. So
please send any suggestions to me.

Jerry Kubeck
Chairman, GNHLUG

>Its been years since I have involved with the NNEUUG, but it was a low
>volume mailing list with some interesting data.
>If this last message from you is likely to be the last for a while
>following the recent flurry, fine, otherwise, please unsubscribe me from
>your mailing list - the volume has been too high.

Jerry Kubeck      Customer Support     Appropriate Solutions, Inc.

To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following text in the
*body* (*not* the subject line) of the letter:
unsubscribe gnhlug

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