Yesterday, Brian Chabot gleaned this insight:

> I see 2 categories of what might have happenned: 
> 1. Named's bad referral caused something to freeze.

Nah, I seriously, seriously doubt that.  Bad referrals happen all the
time, and shouldn't ever cause a kernel panic.  I suppose it's
theoretically possible, if the code that runs when a bad referral occurs
just happens to trigger a particular kernel bug, but I think that's

> 2. Whatever caused the kernel panic left no sign before freezing.

Well, all that gibberish should give you some idea of what it was doing
when it crashed, but I'm not a kernel hacker and I have no idea how to
read any of it.

My best guess is your CPU is dying or you have bad memory.  But this just
a guess, and based on the info you gave I have nothing to base it on.
Another possibility is there's a bug in Mandrake's kernel.  You could try
downloading "pristine" sources from and see if that
improves the situation.

If this is something that you're doing for work, and they're willing to
pay for support, my company has serious kernel hackers that do exactly
this type of support (I'm not one of them!) as well as lots of other
stuff. See us at

You can also send me e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you
like. I'll put you in touch with someone who can talk about what kind of
services we provide and what it might cost you.

I appologize for posting what essentially ammounts to an advertisement,
but it seems appropriate under the circumstances...  :)

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Derek D. Martin      |  Unix/Linux Geek

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