Cole Tuininga wrote:

> On Aug 13, Charles Farinella claimed:
> > I have the following line in my rc.firewall script:
> > ==/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L (external ipaddress) 81 -R
> > (internal ipaddress) 80==
> [snip]
> Out of curiosity, could you change the ip address to the hostname that
> mediaone has assigned to you?
> Of course, IANAFG (I Am Not A Firewall Guru).
> -Cole
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what i dont understand is why you are listening on port 81 ->
$ext_address and masqing to and internal machine at port 80 ->
$int_address ? are you running this for a special reason ?
ipmasqadm is to forward data to a speciafied internal machine such as

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $ext_interface 80 -R
80 <--------- or 81 or whatever port you specify, but the standard is 80
( httpd ). for web services of course.

this just tells the firewall to listen on the $ext_interface <--- (say
mediaone ) for httpd requests and forward the connection to the reponder,
at the address : <----- port 80 and masq the internal

hope this helps,


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