In a message dated: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 13:42:14 EDT
Derek Martin said:

>On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Bayard Coolidge USG ZKO3-3/S20 wrote:
>> Ben - thanks for filling in the details; it is SOOOO frustrating
>> not to have a Linux box here at work to look at to check these
>> details.
>You MUST have a PC, no?  Just install Linux on it!  I have done this at
>every employer I've worked for since I started working at a computer, and
>the IS staff was none the wiser (or didn't care, or was ME! -- great way
>to solve that problem: be the sysadmin. :)

He works at Compaq (formerly DEC) in the Tru64 group.  He probably has no PC,
though he's undoubtedly got a spare Alpha or 2 around :)

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