> Bob,
>   Backup and restore is a pretty broad topic... can you give any more
> detail (while still being breif) about his talk, such as perhaps what
> software he will be discussing (if any), scheduling schemes, etc.?
> Thanks
> --
> Derek Martin
> System Administrator
> Mission Critical Linux

Bob Derek and group,
Ron Will be speaking on the AMANDA software package and how we use it to
back up our machines.
We have Intel's alphas sparcs and window machines.
we  have multiple backup sets including a rack mount linux cluster.
He will also talk about a "rapid recovery" procedure that we developed
for in house use.
Kind of a hybrid mix of redhats install, archived / /boot and /var
(config data) with AMANDA filling in the /usr and /home data.
this procedure is truly rapid,  if /usr .....ect is small it could take
less than 1 hour.
He will not leave anyone disappointed as far as his desire or ability to
speak on this subject.
Rob Yelle

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