Today, Robert Yelle gleaned this insight:

> Bob Derek and group,
> Ron Will be speaking on the AMANDA software package and how we use it
> to back up our machines. We have Intel's alphas sparcs and window
> machines. we have multiple backup sets including a rack mount linux
> cluster. He will also talk about a "rapid recovery" procedure that we
> developed for in house use. Kind of a hybrid mix of redhats install,
> archived / /boot and /var (config data) with AMANDA filling in the
> /usr and /home data. this procedure is truly rapid, if /usr .....ect
> is small it could take less than 1 hour. He will not leave anyone
> disappointed as far as his desire or ability to speak on this subject.
> Rob Yelle

Thanks much for the info!  If I can swing it, I'll probably try to come
by.  Ken, do you think you can make it?  It might be worthwhile for us to
head up there... :)

You know that everytime I try to go where I really want to be,
It's already where I am, cuz I'm already there...
Derek D. Martin              |  Unix/Linux Geek

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