I would not mind doing a talk (or part of one) on the subsections of
EMACS that I know.  I use the following parts of EMACS.

rmail (With colorized mail headers)

SQL interface to DB's (mysql, oracle, postgress)

Colorized Source code editing in (Perl, C, C++, SQL)

Using the GCC to compile and automatically jumping to the error line
in the source code.

I also use emacs as a editor?  Complete with macros.

I've also used the *shell* commands and diary but not extensively.

If anybody would like to either co-present other EMACS features or
offer more suggestions I'll be listening.

 Robert E. Anderson                     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Systems Programmer                     phone: (603) 862-3489
 UNH Research Computing Center            fax: (603) 862-1761

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