On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Paul Iadonisi wrote:
> I was disappointed to find a few things missing from the dpkg tools, or
> more properly, from the philosophy:

  See!  I'm not the only right-thinking person around here... ;-)

> [Debian] Packages seem to be FAR too dependent on pre/post
> install/uninstall (PPIU) scripts.
> Just install the freakin' thing and let me do ALL of the configuration
> later.

  Nail on the head!

  I want my packages to be inanimate objects.  I want to be able to run the
install operation with the confidence that is is going to be safe, secure, and
nearly always successful.  Configuration is a wholly separate process, and not
one that belongs in the process of unpacking a package file.

  One of the things I love about Red Hat Linux over Microsoft Windows is how
*easy* it is to install a new package.  "rpm -i foo" and *I'M DONE*.  No
license agreement.  No install wizard.  No questions.  No prompts to read the
README file.  No reboots.  This quite simply blows Windows away.

  Debian's package system reminds me entirely too much of InstallShield, just
without the pretty icons.

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