On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Michael O'Donnell wrote:
> What does SOHO mean?

  Small Office/Home Office.

  "The industry" divides users into the following (very rough) categories:

Home: The family that browses the web, reads email, and downloads MP3s.  
  Maybe Junior writes his term papers on it.

SOHO: People running a business out of their house, or an office away from the
  office.  Also companies less then ten or so people.  Mom & pop operation.

Small business:  Less then 200 or so people.  One, maybe two locations.  

Medium business: Up to a few thousand people.  Multiple locations.

Large/Enterprise business: Thousands and thousands of people.  Worldwide
  offices.  IBM.

  These are far from hard numbers.  The exact definition varies from company to
company.  Many organizations role "SOHO" and "small business" together.

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