"Kenneth E. Lussier" wrote:
> Rob Yelle wrote:
> > in etc/inittab you set the default runlevel to id:5:initdefault:  (from
> > id:3:initdefault: )
> Right, but how do I get it to log in automatically?
> Kenny

I have been able to autologin a system at work with the following entry
to /etc/inittab:

2:2345:respawn:/wxdisk/wxws/bin/autologin tty2 login -f wxws
1>/dev/console 2>&1

The autologin entry is a script that is as follows:

exec 0</dev/$1 1>/dev/$1 2>&1
cat /etc/issue
exec $*   

$1 is tty2 (or the device to login to) and $2 is the user you want to
autologin (in this case 'wxws').

Make sure you have the following set in /etc/inittab also:


I know this does not start XDM.  Use your .login file to do that for
you.  Here's mine:

# File: .login  for Predictor System

setenv PATH ${PATH}:.:/wxdisk/wxws/wxws_exe:
setenv PATH ${PATH}/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/etc:
setenv PATH ${PATH}/usr/local/bin:
setenv HZ 100
stty sane
stty echoe
stty erase '^H'
stty intr  '^C'
source ~/.wwrc
cd wxws_exe

#AUTOstart the Predictor at boot time
#(but remember it may not be boot time!)

#if ($?CONSOLE || (-e /tmp/logged_in) || $?REMOTEUSER) then
if ((-e /tmp/logged_in) || $?REMOTEUSER) then
       echo " "
       date > /tmp/logged_in
       echo "starting Predictor"
       ~/ww_startx &
       xhost +

Another way you can autologin a user is to set one of the entries in
inittab to as follows:

co:234:respawn:su - wxws -c /wxdisk/wxws/ww_startx  >/dev/null 2>&1

This example actually comes from a Solaris x86 system I have at work. 
The difference with this way of autostarting is that the console login
is not available, unlike the previous.  The ww_startx script starts up X
and several other applications.

Here's the ww_startx that is referred to in both examples:

# startup X11/Motif
ps -e | grep xinit >/dev/null
if ($status != 0) then
    echo "Starting X11/Motif"

Hope this helps,

Scott Mellott             __o        Clydesdale Cruiser
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        -\<,     http://scott.mellott.com   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (*)/(*)         WSI Corporation

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