well i know this is a Linux Topic List.
but i have a daunting NT problem ... i would not be asking
this here but was wondering if anyone has encountered this
problem, and since some of us "still" have to deal with
Microsuck Products, here goes .

1)  Windows NT Server 4.0  45 day trial edition was
originally installed.
2)  followed the MS site on how to upgrade to a "Real"
Licensed server.
3)  applied service pack 6a
4)  rebooted ...
5)  waited 45 minutes and the prompt still comes up saying
"you have 1 hour left to this NT trial then the server just
craps itself.

now im just about tempted to scour the net to find a
crack/fix for this ...   but would rather do it the supose'd
right way.
Thanks Greatly..   Rob F

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