I've been systematically knocking off projects on weekends with the goal of
erasing each reason to boot into Windows.  This past weekend, I finally got to
the point where I have NO personal reason whatsoever to boot windows, and I'm

I can burn all the data or audio CDs I need, my USB Zip 100 works great,  My
palm pilot is all set, I've got the house IP masqueraded, I FINALLY got my
sound card to work so now I have all my mp3s (heh, probably the most important
issue), I have a CD Ripper, I have Gnapster,  I have both Star Office and
Applixware Office, I have Gimp for any graphics I might need (which is
infrequent but necessary), I have Java2 and Forte for Java running, etc., and
life is just swell.  

I have a loooooong list of more stuff to do,  but none of it  involves
any need for Windows.  I need to play with nfs stuff and get samba running.  My
printer works, but rather pathetically (Depending on the app, sometimes it
refuses to stop printing, even if I abort the job and delete the queue and
unplug the printer for less than 15 minutes.  Right now it's working okay from
Star Office and Netscape but the quality suffers a lot.    The postscript test
page always looks very nice.), etc.

I currently MUST use windows for my classes, but that's it.   Next
semester, I have Senior Seminar, which I don't need windows for at all, and
Linux Security (obviously no Win there and yay!  A compenent adjunct!), and
hopefully a 6 credit internship if I can find something where I will get hands
on linux experience and not have to drive more than an hour.  So, I don't see
any reason why I will need Windows after December.  That is just too cool.

-A Happy Mjo 

Martha Jo McCarthy 

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