In a message dated: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 17:56:51 EST
Randy Edwards said:

>   If you ever wondered what GNUs build besides software, then check out

The thing I find amusing is the section at the bottom:

        Now, considering that every other animal in this book is a real animal,
        the questions I have are: 

                Do Laura or Joe know that there's no such thing as a GNU? 
                Do Laura or Joe know that two-story houses aren't the only
                things GNUs construct? 

                Anyone know?

Yet, a simple google search for 'gnu animal' yields this site:

>From which:

        Gnu, «noo,» also called wildebeest, «WIHL duh BEEST,» is a
        large African antelope. Its high, massive shoulders and thick
        neck support a large head with long, curved horns. The gnu has
        thin legs and a horselike tail. It eats leaves, twigs, and
        grass. Gnu is an African name.

        There are two kinds of gnu. The brindled gnu stands about 41/2
        feet (137 centimeters) high and has a long, sad-looking
        face. It ranges from yellowish-brown to gray in color, and has
        dark vertical stripes on its shoulders and neck. Brindled gnu
        graze in herds between northern Kenya and northern South
        Africa and Namibia. The white-tailed gnu lives only in South
        Africa. It stands about 31/2 feet (107 centimeters) high and
        has a fierce-looking, hairy face. It ranges from brown to
        black and has a yellowish-white tail.

        Scientific Classification. Gnu belong to the bovid family,
        Bovidae. They make up the genus Connochaetes. The scientific
        name for the brindled gnu is C. taurinus. The white-tailed gnu
        is C. gnou.

So, the question I have is:

        Is the author of this page aware that gnus really do exist? :)
           I'm in shape, my shape just happens to be pear!

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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