On 15 Dec, Joshua S. Freeman wrote:
> hi folks...
> I'm running stormlinux 2000 on a sony vaio pcg 505tr.
> I *think* i have /etc/pcmcia/config.opts and wireless.opts configured
> correctly.. and I've run 'ifconfig wvlan0 inet netmask
>'  but no soap...
> the green light is on the wavelan card, but I can't get it to speak tcp/ip
> (or anything else, for that matter)...
> Any ideas out there?

Okay, stupid question.  A route?  Check the output of /sbin/route to
make sure that the kernel knows to send packets over wvlan0 (at least
one line in the output should indicate wvlan0 as a device, otherwise
you'll need to add another route).  Also, I recall having some problems
getting my wavelan working, only it turned out to be a problem with the
base station.  Can you ping your base station / other computer /
whatever other wireless device you have?

Stephen Ryan                                        Debian GNU/Linux
Technology Coordinator
Center for Educational Outcomes, 
C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth College

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