Charles Farinella wrote:

> It's time for me to rebuild my system, and I'd like to try a non-RedHat
> distro

I've used several different distributions (Yggdrasil, Slackware, 
Caldera, TurboLinux, RedHat, Mandrake, Debian, Suse come to mind). Which 
one you use is a matter of taste. Often, I'll use bits of several. I 
currently use Mandrake for most installations. I like the installer. 
I've had no real problems during install. I may want a package that 
comes with RedHat, Debian or Suse, so I'll use it. At one time, Caldera 
had better Netware connectivity. It still might, but I haven't used it 
for a year. In my (somewhat jaded) view, there's little to difference 
between the distributions. But, viva la difference. (Please no 
flamewars. And, yes, I know some folk feel passionate about the 
licensing of Debian.)

Dan Jenkins
Rastech Inc., Bedford, NH -- Technical Support for a Quarter Century

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