On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:
>> LOL.  I agree, but I'm also biased.  :-)  From a market research point of
>> view, for "average desktop" use, both Macintosh and Linux/Unix are
>> considered to be just barely below consideration at this point.
> If that's the case, then what's the deciding factor that makes people choose 
> to support Macs?

  When it comes down to it, the factor is the same as any other: Money.  If a
significant profit is to be made by support Mac (or Linux, or Windows, or
anything else), they will do so.  The hard part is convincing a company that a
Linux port would be profitable.

> If market stats are accurate in that Linux has surpassed Mac on the
> desktop, then why would one choose to support Mac instead of Linux?

  Possible explanations that come to mind:

  - Inertia
  - A perception that Mac still has more users
  - Apple does a better job marketing their platform
  - Better development tools available for Mac
  - The specific market segment they are interested in may still have more
    Mac users then Linux users (e.g., Macromedia and web designers)
  - Linux users don't buy as much software as Mac users do

  Note that I'm not saying any of the above are true.

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Jeffry Smith wrote:
> Of course, the other problem with these flash sites (especially flash-only
> ones) is that all the search engines do text (metatags, or in the
> header/body).

  This is more significant to those web site owners.  However, most sites that
want search hits embed text into the website to catch the spiders, so I'm not
so sure they'll buy that argument, either.  Remember, these are suits who are
easily impressed by the flashy graphics and sounds of Flash animations.  They
*like* that sort of thing.

> So, the flash sites aren't indexed, so they aren't found on the searches.  
> Great if you don't want people to know about you.

  Perhaps they've been taking lessons from Digital Equipment Corporation's old
marketing department?  :-)

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