On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Bayard Coolidge USG ZKO3-3/S20 wrote:

> Go back a couple of days worth of Slashdot listings and look for an
> article about Spam - you'll see a pointer to yet another article
> in some e-zine about how UUNET had one of its customers flood its
> infrastructure with spam, most of it destined for other customers
> of UUNET. Otherwise, if you want a trouble ticket, I have one here
> from some spam that came in earlier this week; the article I mentioned
> says UUNET transmit more spam than AOL and many other ISPs _combined_.

Thanks; that's a start. Now I need to explain how that incident would be
causing problems with DNS lookups of our domain from outside. I've
speculated that UUNET is probably running some of the root nameservers and
first-tier .com servers, and an outage there would result in many
strange and unpredictable DNS problems , but my boss wants something
substantial to back that up.

If the problem is with UUNET, I'd expect that it would be widespread, that
lots of domains would be having odd problems with their DNS. So far I've
heard only second- or third-hand about two other cases.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj / Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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