On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:

> In a message dated: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:40:47 EST
> Paul Lussier said:
> Hi all,
> *TONIGHT*, January *23rd*, 2001, Mark Komarinski of VA Linux Systems 
> will be presenting a talk on SGML/XML.
> The meeting will begin at precisely somewhere around the vicinity of 19:00,
> or whenever we get our act together.
> Dinner will be precisely somewhere around the vicinity of 18:00, or whenever
> enough of us show up to order food.
> Please note that this meeting is *TONIGHT* the *23rd* of January, and NOT
> as previously scheduled, Wednesday the 24th of January.  So don't show up on
> Wednesday the 24th expecting a meeting :)
> Due to a scheduling conflict with the room for both the 24th and the following
> Wednesday, the 31st, and the Mark being out of the country the following week,
> we were forced into the 23rd.  I apologize for the short notice, and feel bad 
> if you can't make it on *TONIGHT* the *23rd* of January due to other 
> commitments.
> So, we all hope to see you *TONIGHT* at Martha's Exchange in Nashua for 
> Mark's talk on SGML/XML.

Sooo...  When's the meeting?

Derek Martin
Senior System Administrator
Mission Critical Linux

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