I only hope that Paul is being as sarcastic as Derek just was.  
You know, that's one thing I love about this list... sense of humor.  I
tell ya, Derek, that comment just made my day.

 - Dana

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:

> In a message dated: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 13:32:38 EST
> Derek Martin said:
> >Sooo...  When's the meeting?
> Which part of:
>       >> *TONIGHT*, January *23rd*, 2001, Mark Komarinski of VA Linux
>       >> Systems will be presenting a talk on SGML/XML.
>       >> 
>       >> The meeting will begin at precisely somewhere around the vicinity
>       >> of 19:00, or whenever we get our act together.
> didn't you understand?

Dana S. Tellier               Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Engineer              University of New Hampshire
InterOperability Lab          7 Leavitt Ln Durham, NH 03824
ATM Consortium                603-862-4626 FAX: 603-862-4181 

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