On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Mansur, Warren wrote:
> Earlier in the thread somebody said Verizon was in court because they
> couldn't fulfill the DSL orders? 

  It might have been me.  I have been saying that.  It is true, AFAIK.  There
is a class action lawsuit against Verizon because they are allegedly taking
DSL orders just to keep people from going to the competition.  They have
neither the people nor the infrastructure to fulfill all the orders they are

> I ordered DSL a month ago from Verizon and they still can't even set a
> future date to test my lines.  Anyone know more about the Verizon
> slowness, if the waiting period is "probably never" or if they actually do
> fulfill the orders eventually?

  Well, "forever" has not happened yet, so they may well fulfill the order
eventually.  Whether they do so in your lifetime or not is another question.

  All I know for sure is that a friend of mine ordered Verizon DSL six months
ago.  It still doesn't work.  Verizon does not seem surprised by this fact.

  Your call.

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