> Real Men (and Women) install SLS and then patch *everything* in
>  real-time from source-code.  (-:
Real sysadmins patch everything in real time, in binary.
(From someone whose first job involved patching a binary 80 column 
card deck, & remembers using console switches to alter 
arithmetic lookup tables in "core").

>  Wow, you must *real* old.  I never had any five-point-two-*four*-inch 
>  disks.  Did those come before or after the 3.6" ones?  ;-)
Those are the regular old ones.
You just have to trim off the edges when they won't fit into a gummed up 
The older the drive, the more gunk it accumulates.

Bob Sparks
Never attribute to malice, that which can be explained by stupidity.
Never attribute to stupidity, that which can be explained by lack of 

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