On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Benjamin Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   (The reason I want to do this is to make stateless packet filtering work.  
> Just about the only thing I've got left on my home system that needs UDP is
> DNS.  Yah, yah, separate firewall, kernel 2.4, blah blah -- it's my home PC, I
> don't want to have to build an enterprise network just to browse the web.  I
> also considered running a local caching-only nameserver and telling it to only
> use port 53, but given the bug-of-the-month-club that BIND seems to be in
> lately, I'm thinking that would be a net loss...)

I know I'm gonna regret it, but I gotta bite...

Isn't this "dns over tcp for me" attitude a bit, well er, NET.PIG?

<TONE VALUE="Wise Father with pipe and sweater, circa 1950">

Why, son, what if _everybody_ decided they were `too good' for
UDP and started doing all their DNS queries using TCP?

Remember son, named doesn't fork(2)...


There ya go Ben: chop off me 'ead  ;-)


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