> (There might actually be something to this. Your average web browsing,
> hoping from site-to-site usage pattern uses a lot of DNS queries. A
> persistent TCP connection to your favorite name server might actually be
> almost as efficient as repeated UDP send/receives. But that is pure
> speculation, and not likely to happen any time soon.)
It's difficult to scale a TCP server in this way. Every TCP
connection consumes a file descriptor, and these are finite.
With UDP you can get away with far fewer fds.
PS Note that I said "difficult" and not "impossible".
Kevin D. Clark (CetaceanNetworks.com!kclark) |
Cetacean Networks, Inc. | Give me a decent UNIX
Portsmouth, N.H. (USA) | and I can move the world
alumni.unh.edu!kdc (PGP Key Available) |
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