And here is a response from someone at Red Hat about up2date servers.
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar                    <http://Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Software Foundation  <>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Apache-Server.Com/>
"Apache Server Unleashed"   <http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/>

On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 11:05:44PM -0500, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
> I am forwarding this to TriLUG because of the Folx in Red Hats
> who hang out here..
> -- 

>    The up2date utility is (usually) wonderful for a small number of
> systems.  The worst issue I've seen is that it often breaks in such a way
> that it's almost impossible to get working again without an
> uninstall/reinstall.  The version that 7.0 uses seems to behave better,
> plus it has far better progress indicators than 6.2 version had.

        The 7.0 (and 6.2 retrofit) versions are much nicer. They are
essentially completely different implementations. The 7.0 based version
is based on xml-rpc over ssl and includes gui and tui modes. 

>    One thing that I'd like to see would be the ability to run a local
> up2date server.  Since most proxies won't cache up2date traffic
> (everything comes through with a .cgi URL), updating the same 5MB package
> on ten machines results in 50+MB of traffic from a RedHAt FTP. I'd love to
> have the client connect to a local mirror instead.  Does anyone know if
> that's possible?

        It's currently under investigation. The ability to provide updates
from an authenticated host over a secure connection to an authenticated
client, and installed signed packages is hopefully something that people
find useful. 

        The current version is also based on essentially "dynamic" content,
so you can't really proxy cache it. Currently working on making it possible 
to do this. 

        The best thing to do would be to contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
possibly file a RFE bug against up2date at bugzilla. Thats the best way to
get to the eyes of the folks that matter. 

apologies if I sound like a sales pitch... 

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