Hey! Real Men (tm) have a .profile that just sez:

exec emacs

-Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have -
-happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ
-Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all-
-individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question? [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Jeffry Smith wrote:

=>Paul Lussier said:
=>> In a message dated: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 13:09:18 EST
=>> Jeffry Smith said:
=>> >And a nice break from the debian/red hat wars (almost as much fun as vi/emacs
=>> >;)
=>> Hey!  Watch what you say about Emacs there buddy!  And make sure you show the
=>> proper respect for the world's most useful piece of software and  that's
=>> a capital 'E' to the likes of you!
=>I thought you Emacians thought it was the only piece of software?

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