> Now, here's a autotools question. What's the best way of allowing the user
> to supply a path to a library that your package needs? I currently have
> this:

I don't think that you'd want to use AC_ARG_WITH here.

You say that "your package needs" this external library; you seem to be clearly
implying that this package isn't optional.   But AC_ARG_WITH is used
for things that can optionally be included in the configured package.

I don't think that there is a magic way for autoconf to do what you
want here.  You'd sort-of have to put something like this in your


dnl Check for foobar lib
if ! test -d "$foobar_dir"
  echo "Error: this package needs libfoobar"
dnl Other tests too...

> Further, I would like configure the complain when it can't
> find the library.

I took care of the complaint too.  (-:

Hope this helps,

``...colder than a ticket taker's smile at the Ivar theater on a
  Saturday night...''  - Tom Waits

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