> We have some forms, distributed in .pdf format.
> We would like to fill in the forms with a word processor.
> Linux has pdf2ps, pdf2dsc, ps2epsi, ps2frag, ps2ascii,
> but none of these gives me a file which retains the formatting,
> and is readable by my word processors.
> I know that some systems can read these formats, but "they"
> need to thrash it with Microslop Word. I don't have all the
> Linux processors installed. Which ones would read one of 
> these formats & give me something usable?

This description is kindof unclear, so I'm making a few wild

Assuming that you don't have to work with the PDF format directly, you
could use some sort of DVI->PDF converter for this task.  For example,
look here:

My bias would be to use TeX/LaTeX to generate the DVI files.  Some
people might chime in here and say "try Lyx".  You might want to check
this out as well.

Or, if you have some way to get postscript files, you might be able to
use a Postscript->PDF distiller (try ghostscript).

Kevin D. Clark (CetaceanNetworks.com!kclark)  |
Cetacean Networks, Inc.                       |   Give me a decent UNIX
Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)                        |  and I can move the world
alumni.unh.edu!kdc (PGP Key Available)        |

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