You can set the environment for telnet through the ~/.telnetrc file. 
However, you can just as easily set the term type after logging in:
ksh, bash: export TERM=vt100
csh, tcsh setenv TERM vt100

I use SuSE 7.1, and when I use ssh to the BLU server, my termtype is set to 
Or here's another way from my .login script at the World:
# Set for your terminal type...
# you can change "vt300" to the name of the terminal you use
set noglob; 
eval `tset -s -m ':?vt100'`
unset noglob

I also suggest you use ssh whenever possible rather than telnet. 
Ed Robitaille wrote:
> Mansur, Warren wrote>
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > How do I set my default terminal type for when I telnet to other
> > machines?  If I telnet from my Redhat machine, it sends "linux" as the
> > terminal type from X or from a console.  If I telnet from my Debian
> > machine in X, it sends "Xterm-debian" as my terminal type, and "linux"
> > otherwise.  I telnet to machines that don't understand these terminal
> > types, but do understand vt100 or vt220.  Any ideas?
> > 
> You don't
> Type 'echo $TERM'
> This variable is set by the shell when you log into a term
> ( xterm, Eterm or any other flavor of term).
> Further, at some point the Xwindow manager or 'init' has defaults builtin.
> ED
> -- 
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