Ham wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Lowell Bruce McCulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Greater NH Linux Users' Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 10:16 AM
> Subject: Re: Backing talk with action? (was: Re: News from the Mouth front)
> > Lowell Bruce McCulley wrote:
> > > Ok, we talk about the benefits of open source and want to get sites in
> > > the governmental sector, is anyone willing to back talk with action?
> Yes.   I think this is an important function of a LUG.  However, I also
> believe we need to be realistic about what this means.  If we help set up a
> system, then we must be prepared to support that system.  That is the way
> the world works.  At LinuxWorld this year, the education/school group made a
> point of saying if you help a school set up a Linux system, then you must be
> there for them when issues arise.  If the system is low maintenance as
> promised, the help needed will be low.  But the main point being, you simply
> cannot set it up and walk away.

This is a VERY important point. If no one is there to support it, problems will
arise. This will reflect badly on Linux - whether it is a Linux problem or not.
The ongoing support can be quite low for a well-configured Linux server, but it
is not non-existant. More to the point the workstations (of what ever operating
system) need more day-to-day maintenance because they are used by end-users not
system administrators. A workstation problem (even if a Windows workstation)
will reflect badly on "the network" and on Linux in general, if someone is not
there to address the problems. Perception is reality. Support is a long-term
commitment; not just a quick install.
Rastech Inc., 21 Curtis Lane, Bedford, NH 03110 - 603-627-0443
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