----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Feldman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "John Feole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: Nimda worm/virus attacks Microsoft systems (was: What

> We should not gloat over Microsoft's security lapses.

Oh, I think some gloating is in order. I know I'm making some good money off
of this virus! <gloat>

> While there are many many security holes in Windows and related products,
the sheer number of installed product makes them by far a prime target.

No, what makes them a prime target is the fact that they have big gaping
security holes. I still use Microsoft products, but I didn't get the Nimda
virus, because I use a firewall product (ZoneAlarm,) I keep my systems up to
date with security fixes, I don't open email attachments AT ALL, and I
certainly don't leave open shares on my computer. People do these things
because nobody tells them it's dangerous, especially Microsoft.

> As the Linux (and BSD) market shares grow, we will become targets, and
many of our security weaknesses will be exposed. We (our colective OS) have
a much more stable system, but must not become too complacent.

We simply need to be aware of where our OS is weak (e.g., X, telnet) and
work around the problems. Just as in life in America now, there are ALWAYS
more secure ways of doing things.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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