On Fri, 23 Nov 2001, Benjamin Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   That just changed.  Check out:
>       http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/freedom-or-power.html
>   There, RMS and company state:
>   "However, one so-called freedom that we do not advocate is the 'freedom to
> choose any license you want for software you write'."

Look, whenever you are in http://www.gnu.org/pholosophy/*  you are smack
dab in the middle of the Church/Religion of RMS/GNU/FSF.  As with any
religion one can:

  - not believe any of it (let's pretend Gates and Balmer fit
        into this category)

  - not believe all of it, but believe some of the things it
        preaches are good (I'd guess many people on the list
        are in this camp)

  - believe all of it and with vigor.  (these are usually well meaning
        people, but often difficult to get along with, best example: RMS) 

As in many religions guilt plays a role, the "freedom-or-power" passage
I guess is trying to lay on some guilt to programmers for not using
GPL or equivalent license.  I am not surprised by or disappointed with
such a "sermon" from RMS and Kuhn.  

Maybe I am missing what you are getting at.  That web page fits their
standard picture of Utopia.  It is just philosophy, not a contraint of
any license (AFAICS), so one can still just ignore it and still create /
benefit from GPL'd software.

Now if you want to start a flame war about RMS's dirty tricks and 
machinations, that'll be fun and I'll enjoy watching!  Cynical me,
I'm not surprised the spiritual leader does some corrupt things... 


PS: I tried to be careful, but I apologize if my analogy offends anyone..

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