In a message dated: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:22:21 EST
Peter Finlay said:

>I would like to start attending the regional and local Linux User Group
>Is there a meeting tommorow November 28 2001 ( the 4th Wensday of the
>month) ?
>What time do you meet?
>Do you all eat dinner or do you meet earlier for that?
>Sorry for the short notice.
>Thank you,
>Peter Finlay

Hi, and Welcome to GNHLUG, we're always happy to gain new members :)

I'm more than willing to try and answer any questions you may have, or at
least try and point you in the right direction.

Anyway, most of the information you're probaly looking for/interested in
regarding the GNHLUG and it's meetings can probably be found at our website:

GNHLUG is set up as a state-wide organization with several sub-chapters.  I'm 
the chairman of the Nashua chapter.  Every chapter holds their own meetings 
each month, then once each quarter, we try to get all of GNHLUG together
for a large quarterly meeting.  For quarterly meetings in the past, we've had 
speakers such as Ted T'so (ext2, ext2 utils, pilot-link, etc), and just this 
past December, Eazel flew out from California for us to speak about their

Meetings for the Nashua chapter are held at Martha's Exchange, a 
micro-brew pub and restaurant located in Nashua on Main Street.  The 
meetings are usually the 4th Wednesday of each month, and begin about
19:00ish or so. (***NOTE****  This month we're meeting on THURSDAY,
29 Novemeber due to a scheduling conflict with Martha's).

Many of us often show up for dinner around 18:00 or so in the pub
before the meeting.  If you're ever so inclined to show up for 
dinner, please RSVP to me so I can get an accurate count in order to 
make reservations.

When you get there, walk in the front door and turn right toward the large
brass Beer Brewing Kettles.  At the end of the bar, turn left.  We should
be the large group at the back :)

If you need directions to Martha's Exchange, they should be available 
on the web site.

For the Nashua chapter, some of the up coming meeting topics are:

        Thu, 29 Nov, 2001       VPNs and SSH by GNHLUG members Karl Runge
                                and Ken Ambrose

        Wed, 12 Dec, 2001       GNHLUG state-wide Holiday Gathering
                                Jon 'maddog' Hall on the 12 Days of Linux
                                (friends, spouses, etc. all invited,
                                 there will be a small per-person charge
                                 to help us cover the costs of food/drink)

There's really nothing more to getting involved other than either 
showing up to meetings or taking part in the general mailling list discussions.
I highly recommend joining the mail list.  There's a tremendous amount of 
knowledge on that list, and everyone really benefits from helping each other 
out.  So, if you need help, it's a great place to get it.  If you don't, it's 
a great place to lend a helping hand to others.  You can get all the mail list 
info on our web site.

There's ususally a Question/Answer session both before and after each meeting
where we try to help people solve their problems, so if you have some pressing
problem, this is usually a good place to meet up with someone who may have the 

Additionally, we do have what we call New User Night's or N.U.N.'s.  All the 
information to these events should also be on the web site as well.

I encourage you join our mailing list and post any questions you 
have regarding running/installing Linux, or, for that matter, anything
that technically oriented there, Please make sure though, to pose 
your questions in clear, well-thought out terms, explaining exactly 
what you're trying to do, and what is happening, including any error 
messages you are receiving.  The more specific you are, the better we 
can help you.

Again, welcome to GNHLUG!

Paul Lussier

Chairman, Nashua Chapter, Greater New Hampshire Linux User's Group (GNHLUG)
Senior Systems and Network Engineer
Mission Critical Linux, Inc.

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