As much as I love Linux as a Server I've problems with it as a desktop
(missing applications).  Not a complaint, I suppose it's more of an
apology :-) .  My primary work platform is still winblows.  I refuse to
use M$ Internet Explorer and Outlook.  Netscape (4.77) has become more
problematic lately though.  It keeps crashing saying it can't write to a
memory location.  The cynic in me thinks Microsoft purposely coded
something into Lose2K, and yes they've been found guilty of similar
things, in a court of law, before.

Regardless, any suggestions for a new browser / mail client?  I
occasionally use news groups as well.  I've tried Mozilla and it seemed
pretty good.  Nothing else really comes to mind, although isn't there
also Mosaic or some such?  Having a Linux Client is certainly a plus
because I am going to figure out how to get to Linux as my desktop,
sooner or later :-)


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