On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Greg Kettmann wrote:
> Netscape (4.77) has become more problematic lately though.  It keeps
> crashing saying it can't write to a memory location.

  Turn off Java.  Netscape 4.x's Java Virtual Machine sucks rocks, to put it

> Regardless, any suggestions for a new browser ...

  Mozilla is pretty nice these days.

  Opera is small, fast, and works well.  It is available for MS-Windows and
Linux, which is nice.  I found the Linux version nice enough that I paid the
$40 for it, even though I don't use it much.  ("Support software

  There is always Lynx.  ;-)

> ... mail client?

  Pine is available for MS-Windows.  What more do you need?  ;-)

> Nothing else really comes to mind, although isn't there also Mosaic or
> some such?

  Mosaic is directly ancestral to both "classic" Netscape and MSIE, and
really all GUI browsers borrow concepts, if not code.  These days, I imagine
it wouldn't be useful beyond nostalgia.  (Although, having said that, I am
sure someone here will speak up and say they are still using it.)

> Having a Linux Client is certainly a plus because I am going to figure
> out how to get to Linux as my desktop, sooner or later :-)

  What is stopping you?  We can help.  List the applications or problems you
need to solve.  I find many people do not really have any serious reason to
stay with Windows, other than inertia.  :-)

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