Benjamin Scott wrote:
> What kind of trouble are you having?  We might be able to
> help you better if we knew what was going wrong.  :-)

Heh, point taken.  (I should know better, eh?)

Okey, here goes:

I installed VMware 3.0 (eval) on my new RH 7.1 laptop.
(So new it was still named 'localhost', which may be
part of the problem; it has since been renamed.)  The
laptop has an onboard 100baseT interface, eth0, and
when networking I either use that (only occasionally)
or my ORiNOCO card eth1 (most of the time).  Or else
no network at all.  I try to keep my laptops running
continuously (the one I carry around, which this new
one will replace, has been up for 135 days).  So I'd
prefer a solution that doesn't involve having to reboot
or change runlevels or any of that.

I'd like the W2K VM to be able to access the network
regardless of which interface the host is using, and
also be able to access the host's filesystem.

What I did:

I created a VM (I forget what I told it about the interfaces,
but the wireless was active at the time) and installed
Win2K.  (I know, I know -- but I need it for research for
my books.)

When I first checked out the network in the VM, the Windows
Explorer 'computers near me' and 'my network places' (bleah!)
listed the VM (which is named Osmium) and 'localhost'.  The
latter was inaccessible because of some name collision/conflict,
possibly because the host was named 'localhost'.

I changed the host's name and rebooted both the host and the
VM, and the 'localhost' name disappeared from Windows Explorer.
I tabled things at that point.

Yesterday I plugged the laptop into my office LAN (using eth0;
eth1 was what was being used above).  I then wandered through
each of the three interface slots in the VMware config editor,
trying each possible value in each one.  The results are below.
Only one of the three slots was set at a time; I removed the
others before each change and reboot of the VM.  For each slot
I installed the 'host-only', 'bridged', and 'nat' option in
turn, booted the vm, and looked in the 'my network places' and
'computers near me' locations in winexplorer.

i'face  setting         displayed in winexplorer
 0      host-only       Osmium only
        bridged         Error (device in use)
                (during VM power-on I got an alert about
                'the interface for vmnet0 is not running')
        nat             nothing listed

 1      host-only       nothing listed
        bridged         nothing listed
                (same power-on message as for bridged above)
        nat             nothing listed

 2      host-only       Osmium only
        bridged         nothing listed
                (same power-on message as for bridged above)
        nat             nothing listed

So I've got a VM with which I can only interact using the
keyboard and mouse -- no network at all.  Dammit.

There yuh go, more info as requested.  I hope it's enough.. :-)
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"All right everyone!  Step away from the glowing hamburger!"

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