I believe a big round of applause is due Jerry for:

  1. Stepping off the cliff and volunteering to "run the show" after
  2. His uncanny ability to keep everyone attentive and entertained at
     the meetings.
  3. Providing sage advice to the meeting coordinators.
  4. The enormous personal expense (time, energy, and money) he put in
     to running the show.

It is not possible to thank Jerry enough for volunteering (!) to fill
Maddog's shoes. I just hope I can fill Jerry's shoes. (For those who are
trembling in your shoes, Paul and Jerry have promised to help me out -
otherwise I wouldn't have taken this assignment.)

And before I get into my view of the way things [will] work, I'd like to
draw your attention to Paul Lussier - he's also a chairman (the
technical term is "co-chairman", which is also the official title of my
position). And he may be addressing you separately.

Since there really wasn't an election, or even "public" nominations, I'd
like to let the membership know what's in store during my temporary (I
hope) chairmanship:

   * Not many structural changes in how meetings are run, no dues, ...
     Basically: keep everything that's working working.
   * I'm pretty much a nuts-and-bolts kinda guy - I prefer being the one
     behind the scenes keeping things working smoothly and quietly. So I
     hope you won't be hearing much from me.
   * More attention given to the chapters - they are the ones closest to
     the "membership". I'd like to increase attendance at the various
     chapter meetings. This means more support in terms of speakers,
     vendor coordination, ...
   * Improving communication channels. Better web presence, more phone
     support, ...
   * Get a few "GNHLUG" projects going: re-instantiate the business show
     (maybe as a joint effort with other groups in the state); some
     software development projects; and some social events (summer
     picnic, winter ski-day, ...)

Now, none of those are commitments (and since I didn't "run for office",
those aren't to be construed as "election promises")! They're just plans
and "I'd like to do's" - this is a user's group and the success of the
group is largely dependent on the participation of its members.

There are some things you can expect from the "Central Committee" in the
near future - and if they don't happen: raise a riot! (And I think
I know better than giving you dates ;-) They've been in the works for at
least a year now.

   * Revamped web site with faster turn around for changes - Ben Scott,
     Charlie Farinella, and Bruce Dawson. (Charlie has already begun the
   * Moving the primary mailing list servers to gnhlug.org (Bruce

And last, but not least, if you have any questions, just send them to me
- if I can't answer them, then I'll try to find someone who can!


Jerry Kubeck wrote:

> Well, the 4th Quarter & Holiday meeting is over. We had 70 for dinner
> and to hear maddog talk about the past few years of Linux and his
> vision for the future.
> My GNHLUG Chairmanship ended on a great note last night and I want to
> thank all who came. But more importantly, those of you who couldn't
> make it you deserve my thanks as well for the continued support over
> the past two years. We couldn't have had the LUG we have without you.
> There was one important happening that you who couldn't make it
> missed. We have a new Chairman and a Co-Chair. I am very happy to
> tell you that Bruce Dawson has accepted my request to step forward
> and become the new Chairman of GNHLUG with Paul Lussier agreeing to a
> Co-Chair position.
> Thank you Bruce and Paul for your desire to continue the momentum we
> have going.
> I wish you all a Happy Holiday and a prosperous New Year.
> See you at a meeting somewhere next year
> Jerry
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Jerry Kubeck      Customer Support     Appropriate Solutions, Inc.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]       www.AppropriateSolutions.com
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