In a message dated: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 21:06:53 EST
Bruce Dawson said:

>And before I get into my view of the way things [will] work, I'd like to
>draw your attention to Paul Lussier

Geeez, I can't *try* to keep a low profile! :)

>And he may be addressing you separately.

No, not really.  Thanks for coming the other night, I had a great 
time.  Please send me money if you didn't pay me then, and someone please 
volunteer to speak at the January MELBA meeting, otherwise I'll have 
to give my exmh talk :)

>   * I'm pretty much a nuts-and-bolts kinda guy - I prefer being the one
>     behind the scenes keeping things working smoothly and quietly. So I
>     hope you won't be hearing much from me.

I lazy and opinionated, so at most, you'll probably just hear what I 
think ought to happen, and then just complain when you don't do it 
that way :)

>And last, but not least, if you have any questions, just send them to me

Right, did you all get that.  Send questions to BRUCE :)



                          God Bless America!

        ...we don't need to be perfect to be the best around,
                and we never stop trying to be better. 
                       Tom Clancy, The Bear and The Dragon

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