This is quite long.  My apologies.  After only two responses, I found
I had a lot to clarify and more to add to the debate.  I knew it would
be controversial, but I think it's a direction we need to go.  We need
to at least have this capability.  Every MTA in the world doesn't have
to implement it, but I believe we need a solution (or multiple solutions
to choose from) to implement if we so choose.

DM: Derek Martin
KL: Keneth Lussier

[My intro about user controlled SMTP rejections snipped]

DM> This is difficult, if not impossible, to acheive.  At least, if I
DM> understand you correctly.  The SMTP gateway is a mail TRANSFER agent,
DM> and knows nothing about what the client wants or doesn't want, BY
DM> DESIGN.  The exception is probably MS Exchange, which I don't know
DM> much about, and wouldn't ever use/manage unless I were starving to
DM> death.

  I think I'ld flip burgers before managing an Exchange environment :-).
Anyhow, sendmail already provides ways of filtering based on To:
or From: fields in the access database.  All that's needed is to combine
the two to provide the functionality I'm talking about.  That and, of
course, a way for recipients to securely control it without compromising
the entire mail system.  Impossible?  I doubt it.  Difficult, yes, but
that's why I posted to this group -- to get some tips.
  Whether or not it was originally by design that the MTA knows nothing
about the client (client referring to end user in this case) wants or
doesn't want matters not.  The mere existence of rfc2505 (particularly
section 3.2) indicates that I'm not the only one that wants that to change.

KL> There are ways of doing this, but they are not clean, nor are they secure.
KL> Most major, and some minor, MTA's allow the use of "Black List" lookups.
KL> Your MTA can consult things like the RBL to see if mail is from a black
KL> listed domain, sender, etc. One of the problems with this is that your MTA
KL> is now depending on someone else's judgement, and someone elses security. If
KL> the RBL is ever cracked, it would wreak havoc with the mail systems that
KL> use it.

  Even depending on my own judgement as a sysadmin is not so good.  I want to
give the choice to individuals.  I have heard the RBL is actually becoming
less and less popular.  They've taken more questionable actions over recent
years and it still doesn't give the end user the choice.  It doesn't even
give organizations the choice.  It's all or nothing.
  Vipul's Razor is a great idea as it deals with specific messages, but it
remains to be seen how effective it is.  Still, it only deals with messages
already delivered through SMTP -- not what I looking to do.  I want it
rejected before being sucked into my servers.

[My criticism of mail filtering tools snipped]

DM> This is not a shortcoming in procmail.  It's a problem with your
DM> corporate policy.  If you're going to lay blame, please do so where it
DM> belongs...
DM> A workaround for this problem is to run fetchmail to get your mail
DM> from your IMAP server, and filter it with procmail locally.  And
DM> IMNSHO, it's a much cleaner way than what you're about to suggest...

  As Paul L. mentions in a later message, there's no problem with this
as a corporate policy.  There are many arguments for sealed servers, but
I believe that it's beyond the scope of the points I'ld to make.  (I'm
happy to discuss it, but I just think it's a different, though related,
  I'm not really 'blaming' procmail, anyhow.  It does what it does well.
Problem is, that it's not designed for filtering using only IMAP.  I
personally cringe at alternating my access of an INBOX between IMAP and
procmail or any other non-IMAP access.  Leaving Cyrus out the picture for
the moment, let's take a look at UW-IMAP.  Upon accessing a folder, it puts
a dummy message in the front of the file with some folder information.  It
looks pretty innocuous and I doubt it would ever be a problem deleting it
and letting UW-IMAP recreate it, but I just don't trust letting non-techie
users do stuff to IMAP folders unless it's through IMAP only.  It's
comparable (though not as bad as) to modifying an rcs file by hand.
  I'm not looking for workarounds, I'm looking for real solutions.
Sieve, IMO, is actually a much cleaner solution.  It allows me to shut my
desktop down (if I so choose) and still have stuff faithfully filtered as
I've specified.  And I can then access my folders from home through a VPN
without having make sure my procmail filters are in sync between home and
work (which *I might not want*, anyhow).

KL> Filtering should always be done at the client side, IMO.It's the user
KL> that chooses the client, and the user that wants the filters. There
KL> is no reason to put extra strain on a mail server, especially if it
KL> is a high traffic environment, by asking the MTA to think for you as
KL> well.

  I respectfully disagree.  I've wanted server-side filtering for a long time.
I was pleased to find that sieve has actually made it to the rfc stage and
that Cyrus has already implemented it.
  I'm not trying to suggest that we load up are mail servers with a bunch
of unneeded functionality and risk them getting too bloated.  But let's
not be afraid of taking advantage of the fact that you can easily find a
1GHz box with 1/2 Gig of RAM for a mere 600 bucks these days.

[My promotion of sieve snipped]

DM> Unless I'm mistaken (which is very possible), Cyrus mail tools require
DM> the use of Maildir format mailboxes, which just aren't supported all
DM> that well.  True, a lot of major mail clients support it, but a lot of
DM> popular clients don't.  And if you need to read mail with mailx in an
DM> emergency, forget it.

  Cyrus is not a set of client tools, it's an IMAP server.  You access folders
through IMAP running on a sealed server -- users don't need shell accounts
in order to have IMAP accounts.  True, you can't use mailx, but the typical
non-techie is not going to be a mailx user any time soon.  If the mail
server is down, they're down.  It's my job to make that possibility minimal.
  What you may be thinking of is the fact that Cyrus stores each message
in a separate file and has some additionally db files for index info.  I used
to be a big proponent of one file per folder -- until my folders (especially
my INBOX) grew to tens and even a few hundred megabytes.  UW-IMAP falls over
badly in situations like this.

[My details about SMTP rejections snipped]

DM> This seems to me to be making the process of delivering mail to a user
DM> entirely too complex.  The LAST thing I want, as a system
DM> administrator, is dependence on a database program to make delivery of
DM> mail work.  When you do this, you've probably increased the complexity
DM> of mail delivery by more than 100%, given how basically simple
DM> sendmail is.  That means headaches for me, and I don't like it.
DM> You can even configure procmail to send the sender bounce messages, if
DM> you really want to.  YAY!

  So I've doubled the complexity of email delivery.  IMHSO, that's not that
bad, given the potential payoff.  And you don't have to use this, but there
are many sysadmins that are as fed up with spam as I am.  IMO, the payoff
is great.  I don't want my users to have send bounces, I want the mail they've
chosen to reject to never enter my servers.
  A possible analogy is giving homeowners the right to not answer their doors
when unwanted and/or unknown visitors arrive.  That's one right that's a
given.  I don't think it's right for me to be opening the door for these
strangers to harass the homeowners (it's not *their* equipment in most cases,
but it is *their* time).  Really, the door is just too open by default.
I'm trying to find a way to close it and let my users decide who to open it

KL> You can configure procmail to do pretty much everything. If you just
KL> really don't like procmail for some odd reason, then use maildrop or
KL> seive. They are all relativly the same.

  The difference with sieve, however, has to do with it's server-side focus
and a protocol for transfering scripts.  Mulberry from Cyrusoft
( -- non-free) already supports a gui for generating
and transfering scripts for the average user.  It's kind of procmail
meets the newbie-non-techie-gui-"what's a command line" user.

KL> I 100% agree here. Making your MTA depend on a database backend just
KL> seems suicidal. Not to mention the performance hit you would take if
KL> you have a high traffic environment. If every single piece of e-mail
KL> requires a database query, you will slow the mail server down
KL> considerably. Especially if you have tables with thousands of entries,
KL> which you would have to have if there needs to be an entry for everyone
KL> that you *WILL* accept mail from. Besides the performance hit to the mail
KL> server, just imagine the performance hit the sysadmins would take!! I
KL> spend hours a day responding to e-mail. Now, imagine having to respong
KL> to an e-mail saying that you will accept mail from this person, then
KL> waiting for their e-mail, then responding to it... I don't have time
KL> for that.

  I admit making mail delivery depend on a db is risky.  In fact, rfc2505
does mention in general terms the performance and complexity issues as
well as potential new DoS risks.  Failure modes and high load situations
definitely need to be studied.  I'ld like to start on the path of
getting something implemented so it *can* be studied rather than just
debated.  Debate is good, but as is often said the world of Free Software,
show me the code.
  Although I'm sure that having additional processing like this done
at the SMTP gateway will increase load, I have to wonder what the tradeoff
would be with the decrease in the amount of spam actually sucked into
our servers and clogging up our queues and user INBOXes.  It may not be
an even trade, but I have a suspicion that it would be enough that the
remaining performance issues could be addressed to the point of being
tolerable.  It may not be as zippy as it once was, but it's quite possible
it'll be acceptable in the face of the amount of spam that is averted.

DM> Yes, I have some thoughts.  What you're describing is a sysadmin's
DM> worst nightmare, and I for one want no part of it.  It's a great
DM> example of overengineering a reletively simple problem.  The best
DM> solution for dealing with spam always was and always will be to press
DM> the delete key.  Anything else runs the risk of losing legitimate
DM> mail if it's not configured meticulously, and if you ask me what you
DM> describe introduces enough aditional complexity to make it very much
DM> not worthwhile.

  The best solution for dealing with spam has never been and will never be
the delete key.  The first (but certainly not the last) story I have of this
is a case about five years ago when someone I worked with was deleting the
mucho spam she had received since the previous night.  She inadvertently
deleted a *very* important legitimate email about checking some code in
for that night's build.  She missed the email, missed the build, and as
a result development lost some time (time == money in business) all due
to using the 'delete' key for spam.  Given the amount of spam she was
getting, she can't really be faulted that much for inadvertently deleting
the legitimate message.
  That was five years ago.  There have been similar situations since then.
She's not the only one.  And the volume of spam has increased about 650%
since last year (,,t269-s2100516,00.html).
The problem is getting so much worse that soon searching for legitimate
email will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack...of pins.
  Filtering users' email based on *my* decisions runs the risk of losing
legitimate email.  Giving users the choice to reject mail at the SMTP
gateway will only reject mail that they've specifically rejected or
rejected through inaction.  Coded well (which is my endeavor, of course),
rejected mail will be bounced because the upstream SMTP server gets a
permanent failure error code.  If it's legitimate mail, it'll have a correct
return address and it will reach the sender.  Then the sender will know that
he needs to contact the recipient through another means to alert him of
the problem.
  I guess one man's nightmare, is another's dream ;-).  I am fanatically
against spam and I'm passionate about find a solution.  Resigning myself
to the delete key is exactly what the those low-lifes at the Direct Marketing
Association what me to do.  I refuse to do it.  I don't think legislation is
necessarily the appropriate way to deal with it, so a technological one is
what's needed.  And we need one that doesn't have people screaming (mostly,
legitimately) of constitutional violations.

KL> Beyond the complexity issue, which is bad enough, this proposal
KL> introduces several new points of failure, as well as several points
KL> of risk, that, IMNSHO, just aren't worth it. Besides, it's time
KL> consuming, wasteful, risky, and probably ineffectual. If a sysadmin
KL> has to spend their entire day replying to e-mails just to say that
KL> they will accept the e-mail, you have just invented the first DDoS
KL> attack against a human being!! Well, second, actually. The first being
KL> stupid questions from the marketing department ;-) It just seems like a
KL> lot of work, a lot of risk, and a lot of time spent for very little
KL> return. All they have to do is spoof their mail and/or IP address (Oh,
KL> like *THAT's* hard).

  Points of failure, yes.  But I can think of one acceptable solution to a
failed database -- just ignore the filters and let the spam roll in.  Sounds
silly at first, but that's basically what we're tolerating today.  A failed
database doesn't have to be a disaster in this case.  Hell, if it's totally
hosed and you have to wipe it clean and start from scratch, is there much
harm in that?  Not really, given what we have today.  It means reloading
some default accept lists, but it's a one time action we only need to take
in the case of a total failure.  I hope we (I?) can code it well enough to
avoid frequent *total* failures.
  Time consuming?  From the context, I assume you're talking mostly about
mail from people in your organization.  What's wrong with adopting a
default policy that says when a new user account is created, seed it with
an accept list that includes everybody in the organization, possibly by
domain name.  Doesn't work for something like yahoo mail, but any corporate
structure shouldn't have a problem with a policy like this.  If an employee
really want to reject all mail from the CEO, he can do that himself, later.
  Wasteful?  How wasteful is the spam that clogs our servers daily?
Especially since it's only going to get worse.
  Risky?  I assume you mean to implement as a sysadmin.  Of course it is.
Anything that's unproven is risky.  But I'ld like to see it proven to the
point that it's more risky *not* to implement it with the amount of spam
that would flow into our organizations otherwise.
  Ineffectual?  Not if I have anything to say about it.  If we can implement
it in our organizations (and our upstream MX providers), it'll be the relays
that have accepted the mail that get clogged.  If your relaying mail for
spammers, you need to take a hard look at your policies.  Here's a excerpt
from a file I threw together while doing some brainstorming:

  If you are seeing messages pile up in your queue, you need to ask yourself
 these questions:

  1) Am I allowing relaying from a ISP that tolerates spammers?
  2) Are any of my customers spammers?  (If I'm an ISP.)
  3) Do I have an open relay?  Either:
    a) through neglect or oversight
    b) by design
    c) because I've been hacked

  For 1, 2, 3a, and 3c you need to take action to correct the problem.
  For 3b, perhaps you need to review why the choice was made to keep the
   relay open.

-Paul Iadonisi
 Senior Systems Administrator
 Red Hat Certified Engineer / Local Linux Lobbyist
 Ever see a penguin fly?  --  Try Linux.
 GPL all the way: Sell services, don't lease secrets

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