Sorry to be so late in responding to a thread which has not only been 
beaten to death, but pretty much buried already as well 

In a message dated: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 14:35:30 EST
Paul Iadonisi said:

>On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 01:42:15PM -0500, Bob Bell wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 07:45:22PM -0500, Paul Iadonisi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> wrote:
>>     What is your objection to an alternative interface to the procmail
>> rules?  Here at work we have a web-based interface to edit procmail
>> rules.  I can't find a URL for that interface, but I found a similar
>> project at  This
>> should allow you to edit your procmail rules without having shell access
>> to the server.
>  It's clearer when considering cyrus-imapd as an example.  There are index
>files for each folder directory.  These, presumably (I could be wrong)
>wouldn't get updated if procmail were to dump files into the directory.
>Can procmail actually deal with the Cyrus mailbox format (similar to Maildir).

Procmail doesn't need to deal with the folder format, all it has to 
do is invoke a command which *can*.  For example, with mh style 
folders, I have procmail invoke the 'rcvstore' command which delivers 
the mail to the right folder and updates that folder's index files.

>  The safest way to handle moving messages from folder to folder is by
>sticking to the IMAP protocol for all operations.

IMAP is for the transport of mail from server to client.  Why would 
you use IMAP to deliver local mail?  Mail comes in via smtp or esmtp 
gets handed of to the local mailer for deposit into the users mailbox 
and you're done with the server side of the problem.  Getting the 
mail *to* the user now becomes an IMAP problem.  Sorting/filtering 
the mail is a server side/local delivery issue best solved by the 
local mailer.  This may be procmail, slocal, or any number of local 

>I would think that procmail would need access to the user's password to do this?

Why?  Procmail is running *as* the user invoked by the MTA acting as 
the local mailer or MDA.  There's no need for passwords here.

>  If I'm not mistaken, sieve actually gets wired into the local delivery
>process which in this case is cyrus-imapd, so the index files for each
>folder will get updated correctly.

Can you wire sieve into procmail instead so procmail acts as the MDA 
and invokes sieve to do the filtering/sorting?

I know between little and nothing of cyrus imapd so I have no idea 
how it deals with it's folder format. But it seems to me that the 
imap daemon is a step removed from the mail delivery process.  There 
has to be something between MTA and the IMAPD, namely the local 
mailer, no?

>  Of course, I could be blowing smoke, too.  :-)

Well, there is that, but that just makes you like all the rest of us 
who do this for a living ;)

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