Some HD manufacturers report GB, MB, and KB in increments of 1000
instead of 1024, since technically "kilo" means 1000 from the metric
system (and so on for "mega" and "giga").  I have an IBM HD which was
marketed to be 20 GB, but in computer terms it's actually only 18.6 GB.

According to my rough calculations, if that's the case with your HD, the
total memory is 9.31 GB.  If you have other partitions which take up
another 0.9GB then that could be one possible explanation.

Just throwing out ideas.



>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:56 PM
>Subject: Linux Laptops and 10GB HD
>OK, I'm looking for some help in getting Linux to recognize 
>the 10GB HD on 
>my Dell Latitude C600 laptop.  Currently, it's reporting 
>(parted) 8.4GB, 
>because lilo is apparently using C:H:S instead of LBA32 
>addressing.  I've 
>got LBA32 in the lilo.conf file.  I've run lilo from both my emergency 
>backup partition and floppy, same result.  As a result, the 
>upper 1.6GB is 
>addressable/usable.  Anyone have ideas as to how to get it to 
>work (and I 
>did check, all the C600 reports there just say "use 
>LBA32 mode," without details on how to get it into that)?
>Some info:
>Model:  Dell Latitude C600
>BIOS:  A19
>CPU:  Pentium III/600MHz
>Memory:  128MB
>HD:  IDE, unknown manufacturer (internal with system)
>Distro:  Red Hat 7.1/Ximian updates
>Kernel  (multiple, same problem with all):  2.2.18, 2..2.18 w/Win4Lin 
>updates, 2.2.18 w/Win4Lin & Devfs, 2.4.17, 2.4.2, 2.4.7 w/VMWare, 2.4.4
>Lilo:  21.4.4-13 (Red Hat/Ximian RPM)
>parted:  1.4.7-2 (Red Hat/Ximian RPM)
>Devfsd:  2.4.3-12 (Red Hat/Ximian RPM)
>Again, any suggestions/help appreciated.
>thought for the day:  FORTUNE'S RULES TO LIVE BY: #2
>       Never goose a wolverine.
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