>-----Original Message-----
>From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 9:14 PM
>To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group
>Subject: Re: Humor: NT and security 
>On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Paul Lussier wrote:
>> Which is why "Security" is really the art of keeping honest people
>> and making dishonest people work long and hard enough for you to catch
>> them and prevent too much damage :)
>  Yup.  I've said it before in this forum, I think: In the home and auto
>security world, it is an cliche that alarm systems do not prevent your
>property from being stolen.  They simply make it easier to steal your
>neighbor's property.  A cheery thought.  :-)

It's like the story of two men walking thru the woods when they come across
a bear. When one man bends down and tightens the laces of his shoes, the
other looks at him and exclaims in a puzzled voice "You don't think you can
outrun a bear, do you!?!?".  The first man replies "No, but I bet I can out
run you."

Along these lines, I saw a commercial last night during the Olympics that
gave me a good chuckle. I can't remember the company's name, but it dealt
with network security. It started with a scene of an automotive factory in
the US where the robot arms start going crazy, swinging around and such. I
shows the techs in the booth frantically trying to figure out what's going
wrong. Then  the arm which paints the cars coming down the assembly line
starts writing  letters on the sides of the cars. The techs start to spell
it out: "S..U..K..I". The scene cuts to a home of an Asian family with a
cute, innocent looking little girl sitting in front of a computer. Her
mother sticks her head around the corner and says "It's time for bed, Suki."

Just had to chuckle.


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