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At some point hitherto, Mansur, Warren hath spake thusly:
> For example, on an HP-UX machine we have, hitting backspace creates the
> escape sequence ^?.  Is there a way I can arbitrarily change that to
> whatever I want?  Like, ^H or ^@ or anything else?

I don't know if it can be done on HP-UX or not...  I've never had a
need to do it.  My experience with HP-UX was in a homogeneous
environment, so it was never a problem.

On Linux though, you can do it using many of the commands I mentioned
in my previous post.  I'm not overly familiar with the details (though
I have done it before), so you'll need to check out the man pages.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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