I claim to be a software professional.  I claim to know
C, including some of the more esoteric smoke-and-mirrors
aspects.  I am therefore embarrassed to admit that I am
stumped by GCC's complaints about the following fragment:

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = S N I P = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

struct mysteryStruct  {
    struct mysteryStruct *next;
    int                   dontCare;

typedef struct mysteryStruct mystery;

mystery *nextMystery;                /* Pointer declaration - no problem */
mystery  mysteryPool[ 200 ];            /* Array of structs - no problem */

mystery *                                  /* Function type - no problem */
    mystery *mystery )             /* Parameter declaration - no problem */
    mystery *hosed;        /* Auto variable declaration - choke and die! */

    hosed = mystery->next = nextMystery;
    nextMystery = mystery;
    return( hosed );

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = S N I P = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

If you put the stuff between the SNIP lines into a file and try
to compile it (it's a meaningless, contrived problem demo, don't
waste your time trying to understand it) you should see (as I did)
complaints about the variable "hosed".     WTF??!!!   I'd be very
much obliged to anybody who can explain what I'm doing wrong.

My only excuse is that I have a *terrible* case of the flu and I'm
trying to code while enjoying an intense drug-induced stupor...

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