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At some point hitherto, Michael O'Donnell hath spake thusly:
> I claim to be a software professional.  I claim to know
> C, including some of the more esoteric smoke-and-mirrors
> aspects.  I am therefore embarrassed to admit that I am
> stumped by GCC's complaints about the following fragment:
> mystery *                                  /* Function type - no problem */
> problem(
>     mystery *mystery )             /* Parameter declaration - no problem */
> {
>     mystery *hosed;        /* Auto variable declaration - choke and die! */
>     hosed = mystery->next = nextMystery;
>     nextMystery = mystery;
>     return( hosed );
> }

In the line in question, is "mystery" a type, or are you refering to
the pointer mystery?  It seems GCC thinks it's the latter.  I changed
your code thusly:

  mystery *                                  /* Function type - no problem */
      mystery *french )             /* Parameter declaration - no problem */
      mystery *hosed;        /* Auto variable declaration - choke and die! */
      hosed = french->next = nextMystery;
      nextMystery = french;
      return( hosed );

This compiles fine.  It seems that GCC gets confused between the type
and the parameter.  And this makes perfect sense to me...  After all,
would you ever do something like:


  int int;

  int = 3;


This is essentially what you've done.  Even if it were legal (which it
isn't), it strikes me as a really, really bad idea.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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