Anyone out there use Partition Image?  I'm having some odd problems with 
the precompiled binary from their site.  It appears to be a bug...  but 
I'd like to confirm that I'm not doing something stupid prior to compiling 
from source.  

I'm using 0.6.1 - both server and client... 

Here's the error, followed by a strace on the pid..  I'm guessing the 
0.6.1 vs 0.6.1 LOG is the problem, but can't be sure.

 Connexion refused by server:
 versions mismatch

a trace on the process shows:

accept(5, {sin_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(35665),
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}}, [16]) = 7
getpid()                                = 3112
write(3, "[Main] net.cpp->Banner#121: gene"..., 52) = 52
getpid()                                = 3112
write(3, "[Main] netserver.cpp->AcceptClie"..., 54) = 54
send(7, "0.6.1\0                          "..., 33, 0) = 33
recv(7, "0.6.1 LOG\0                      "..., 33, MSG_WAITALL) = 33
getpid()                                = 3112
write(3, "[Main] netserver.cpp->AcceptClie"..., 80) = 80
send(7, "nack\0", 5, 0)                 = 5
send(7, "1234567\0", 8, 0)              = 8
send(7, "version\0", 8, 0)              = 8
getpid()                                = 3112
write(3, "[Main] partimaged-client.cpp->Re"..., 53) = 53
getpid()                                = 3112
write(3, "[Main] netserver.cpp->AcceptClie"..., 51) = 51
getpid()                                = 3112
write(3, "[Main] exceptions.cpp->CExceptio"..., 67) = 67
getpid()                                = 3112
write(3, "[Main] partimaged-main.cpp->main"..., 56) = 56
getpid()                                = 3112
write(3, "[Main] partimaged-main.cpp->main"..., 65) = 65
getpid()                                = 3112
write(3, "[Main] partimaged-main.cpp->main"..., 52) = 52



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