In a message dated: 07 May 2002 09:17:55 EDT
Mark Komarinski said:

>The README for OO 1.0 indicates they're using Info-ZIP to compress their
>XML files.

Ayup, so it seems.  And when you unzip the archive, tar it up and 
gzip it, you end up with greater space 

        -rw-r--r-- 1 pll  pll  7337 May  7 09:23 sync_wr_performance1.sxc
        -rw-r--r-- 1 pll  pll  5319 May  7 09:24 sync_wr_performance1.sxc.tar.gz

Of course, I'm assuming they chose InfoZip format because it's also 
available on Windows as well as Linux, and therefore allows one to 
more easily exchange files with users on different OSes.  So, that's 
not a bad deal,  I'll settle for a default %50 space savings (not to 
mention network bandwidth savings for file transfers) for the 
flexibility of being able to transparently move the data among 
heterogenous environments!


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