In a message dated: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 14:47:47 EDT
Brian Chabot said:

>So I had him chmod 4755 the binary.  This works as a temperary solution,
>but as it is this binary they are working on, it would require all the
>users to have sudo and that would defeat the purpose.

Ahhhm, I think you misunderstand sudo, it has very fine grained ACLs, 
and can even be configured to allow specified commands to be run 
without providing a password.

>So... He suggested that we chmod the *interface* device.  AKA, eth1.
>Might work.  But, in RH7.3, I can't locate the device name in /dev for
>Any ideas here?

Are they using devfs?

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   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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