In a message dated: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 20:02:19 EDT
Benjamin Scott said:

>  Ahhhmmm, I think you misunderstand the OP's point.  The developers are
>working on the binary that needs the special privileges.  All they need to
>do is add
>       system("/bin/sh");
>near the top, and ... well, I'm sure you get the idea.

Ohhhhhh!  Yeah, I did misunderstand.  Sorry.  Ahm, can 'fakeroot' 
help with this?

        fakeroot - Gives a fake root environment.

This is a standard package on Debian, which is used primarily by deb 
pkg maintainers for package build testing, etc.  Don't know if it can 
be bent to the needs of the OP, but it might be worth a look-see.

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   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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